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Upload Foto Dari HP Ke Facebook Dengan WidSets

Di posting sebelumnya saya pernah membahas cara upload foto dari ponsel ke Facebook dengan menggunakan aplikasi ShoZu di Upload Foto dari HP ke Facebook. Topik kali ini juga masih seputar upload foto untuk HP biasa (Bukan BB atau iPhone) yang mendukung java. Aplikasi yang akan dibahas adalah WidSets. Postingan ini akan saya lengkapi dengan sedikit screenshot agar tidak dibajak lagi.. hahaha. (Kaya yang ini-ni, yang bisanya cuman CoPas ;) )

Aplikasi ini pada dasarnya mirip dengan widget yang ada di desktop atau di web. Jadi bisa ditambahkan widget-widget yang sahabat inginkan. Ada yang dibuat oleh WidSets-nya, ada juga yang dibuat oleh 3rd party. Bahkan sahabatpun bisa membuat sendiri (Misalnya untuk membaca feed rss suatu blog). Ada banyak sekali widget-widget yang tersedia di sana, sayangnya saya belum explore lebih lanjut.

Untuk menginstall WidSets:
  • Buka WidSets.
  • Klik button "Get Started".
  • Pilih beberapa widget sebagai awalnya.
    Pilih defaultnya saja, nanti masih bisa ditambahkan setelah diinstall.
  • Klik button New Users : "Download the client and picked widgets".
  • Ikuti langkah-langkahnya :
    1. Register.
    2. Download.
    3. Install.
    4. Launch.
    5. Done.
  • Instalasi selesai dan siap untuk digunakan.
Tampilan WidSets yang telah diinstall di HP seperti pada Gambar 1 (Mungkin bisa berbeda tergantung type HP sahabat). Untuk bagian menunya agak aneh karena peletakannya berupa kotak-kotak yang disusun horizontal, jadi harus scroll ke samping.

Sementara tampilan widget Facebook seperti screenshot Gambar 2 dan 3.
Cara upload snapshot, klik menu di pojok kiri bawah layar HP. Pilih "Upload Picture". Akan muncul layar untuk mengambil foto. Aplikasi ini hanya bisa mengupload snapshot, tidak dapat memilih foto dari HP.

Jika dibandingkan dengan ShoZu, aplikasi Facebook dalam WidSets ini menurut saya lebih enak untuk digunakan. Sayangnya hanya bisa untuk mengupload snapshot, tidak bisa memilih foto yang tersimpan di HP. Foto yang diupload juga ukurannya menjadi lebih kecil dan kualitasnya berkurang dibanding kamera HP yang digunakan. Kelebihannya ada pada proses upload foto yang terasa sangat cepat. Selain itu, foto sahabat dikenali sebagai Mobile Photo dan masuk ke dalam folder "Mobile Uploads" seperti halnya pada aplikasi untuk BB dan iPhone.

Gambar 1

Gambar 2 dan 3

by Tiwichan

Upload Foto dari HP ke Facebook

Bahasan ini ditujukan terutama bagi sahabat yang menggunakan HP non Blackberry dan iPhone. Untuk Blackberry dan iPhone sudah ada aplikasi Facebook yang memiliki fitur upload foto langsung. Bagi sahabat yang menggunakan HP lainnya bisa menyiasatinya dengan menggunakan aplikasi yang bernama ShoZu. Lebih lanjutnya silakan sahabat ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini.
  • Sign Up melalui ShoZu
  • Pilih Merk Handphone sahabat pada menu Dropdown dan pilih Model Handphone seperti pada Gambar 1 dan selanjutnya tekan Continue ..
  • Isikan Username, Password, Konfirmasi Password dan Alamat Email sahabat, lihat Gambar 2.
  • Check list Apakah upload akan di copy ke email atau tidak, Check list juga Sex about you Male or Female, isikan tahun kelahiran sahabat dan Check list juga User agreement seperti Gambar 3 lalu klik Continue ..
  • Isi Nama Negara dan Nomor Handphone sahabat lalu klik Continue .., lihat Gambar 4.
  • Selanjutnya handphone sahabat akan menerima SMS mengenai direct link untuk download langsung dari Handphone sahabat tersebut di ""
  • Download Aplikasi dan Install di HP sahabat, lihat Gambar 5.
  • Setting Destination Sites melalui web ShoZu-nya.
    Langkah ini untuk memilih situs-situs dan juga meRegister account yang sahabat miliki di situs tersebut. Selain Facebook sebenarnya masih banyak situs lainnya yang bisa sahabat tambahkan, seperti Picasa, Flickr, Multiply dll. Bisa juga diset sekali upload langsung ke semua account sahabat di situs-situs tersebut. Untuk setting Facebook akan ada link untuk allow aplikasi ShoZu di FB sahabat.
  • Terahir, Aktivasi di HP sahabat, lihat Gambar 6.
Setelah melakukan langkah-lankah di atas maka sahabat bisa mulai langsung upload-upload :D. Pada aplikasi Blackberry atau iPhone, foto dikenali sebagai Mobile Photo dan secara default akan masuk ke dalam folder "Mobile Uploads". Sementara pada aplikasi ini akan dianggap sebagai upload biasa dan foto tersimpan pada folder "ShoZu Photos".

Yah lumayanlah, hitung-hitung sebagai alternatif ;)

Gambar 1

Gambar 2

Gambar 3

Gambar 4

Gambar 5

Gambar 6

by Tiwichan dan Alung

Facebook give users personalised URLs

One minute after the stroke of midnight on Saturday could usher in a virtual land grab for vanity URLs on Facebook, with the social networking site poised to enable members to create usernames for personalised online web addresses.
Currently, the URL for a Facebook profile ends with a string of digits. But beginning on Saturday morning, members can substitute the numbers with a name of their choice to make it easier for friends to navigate to their site.
Names will be available on a first-come-first-served basis to anyone with a Facebook profile, or a fan page with more than 1,000 fans, must be a minimum of five characters long and is permanent -- no changing it later. Participating in the free personalisation service is optional.
Facebook designer Blaise DiPersia made the announcement in a blog post.
"Your new Facebook URL is like your personal destination, or home, on the Web. People can enter a Facebook username as a search term on Facebook or a popular search engine like Google, for example, which will make it much easier for people to find friends with common names," DiPersia wrote. "Your username will have the same privacy setting as your profile name in Search, and you can always edit your search privacy settings."
To prevent cybersquatting, anyone who signed up for Facebook after 3 p.m. Eastern time today will not be able to secure a username until after 12:01am on June 28. Facebook also said it reserves the right to revoke a username, and will allow trademark owners to contest names they believe infringe on their trademarks.
The news comes at time when social media marketing is gaining traction as a way for brands to build awareness and offer interactive promotions, potentially at a lower cost and higher effectiveness than traditional media. Now that personalised URLs have been added to the mix, it could be a boost to those marketers using Facebook for online marketing by ensuring that brand's fan page is easier to find.
It remains to be seen how Facebook itself will benefit from offering personalisation for free -- aside from pleasing its user community, which had been requesting such a feature for some time, according to the company.
"I think certain people would be willing to pay, but that's not the best solution because people have different resources and means, so we wanted a solution in the best interest of all our users, as opposed to serving a subset. The fairest thing is to offer it for free," a Facebook spokesperson told
The spokesperson declined to comment on what future ways usernames could be employed but agreed that easier search functionality will benefit online marketers in addition to the general community.
But offering personalised URLs for free could also spell a lost opportunity for making money. Given that people often pay for domain URLs and Facebook members are already spending money at the site to play social networking games -- for instance, buying virtual poker chips for card games -- the move may be a missed chance at generating revenue, something with which the site has been grappling for some time.
Most recently, however, Facebook introduced a unified payment system for virtual goods used in games at the site, therefore putting the company in a position to get a slice of the revenue from such transactions.
The way transactions work now on Facebook leaves the site out of the payment loop, as third-party developers create their own payment systems and take all the revenue.
Facebook is hoping that a unified payment system for items such as virtual poker chips would make it easier for the site's members to play more games. This, in turn, would benefit everyone involved, but especially Facebook, which would be getting a cut of the transaction, and therefore presumably making money off the revenue stream for games.
For now, it seems Facebook is using the payment system with just three applications, but plans to introduce it to more applications in coming weeks.
Meanwhile, Facebook's efforts to unveil new features and ramp up its revenue stream comes as social networking continues to grow at a rapid clip. The amount of time people in the United Kingdom spend on social networking sites jumped 83 percent over the past year, according to a study by market researcher Nielsen Online.
And Facebook is leading the way -- the site's UK users collectively spent 1.9 billion minutes on Facebook in April 2009, up 700 percent from the 1.7 billion minutes they were spending in April 2008, according to the study.
UK Minutes spent on Twitter soared a whopping 3,712 percent to almost 30 million, versus around 1.8 million from the same month a year ago.
"We have seen some major growth in Facebook during the past year, and a subsequent decline in MySpace," Jon Gibs, Nielsen's vice president for online media and agency insights, said in a statement."

by Brick

Slamat Jalan Michael 'Jacko' Jackson

Michael 'Jacko' Jackson
(29 Agustus 1958 – 25 Juni 2009)

Heal the world
make it a better place
for you and for me
and the entire human race
there are people dying
if you care enough for the living
make a better place
for you and for me


Membuat Banner File Flash dan GIF Dengan Sangat Mudah

Okey sahabat semua, saya sekarang pengen ngejelasin bagai mana caranya membuat banner file Flash dan Gif dengan sebegitu sangat mudahnya atau kata kerennya tutorial, karena dengan software ini para sahabat ngga perlu lagi pusing dengan program-program seperti CorelDraw, Adobe Photoshop dan lain-lain untuk membuat file Flash dan Gif bahkan file Movie, mungkin dan saya yakin para sahabat semua udah pada ngenal dan tau nih software, tapi mungkin banyak juga sebagian dari sahabat yang belum tau...

Oke tanpa banyak basi-basi lagi kita langsung ajjah Membuat Banner File Flash dan GIF Dengan Sangat Mudah....

  1. Downloads dulu softwarenya disini.
  2. Install tuh software terus jangan lupa di Patch sekalian.
  3. Jalankan software tersebut.
  4. Kemudian Click pada Main Movie, untuk mengatur lebar dan tinggi banner yang akan kita buat, di Main Movie ini juga para sahabat bisa menambahkan Sound / Suara.
  5. Sekarang kita berpindah ke Main Background, di Main Background kita bisa mengatur Background atau Latar Belakang banner kita, seperti mengubah warna atau mungkin dengan background gambar dan posisi gambar itu sendiri.
  6. Masuk ke Main Background Effect, pada bagian ini pastikan di Add background effect sudah ter ceklist atau sudah tercentang agar para sahabat bisa memilih effect yang sahabat sukai, atau mungkin sahabat ingin menambahkan lebih dari satu effect maka ceklist atau centang juga di bagian Maka sahabat bisa menambahkan beberapa effect sekaligus dengan menekan tombol "Support more than one effect - bla-bla-bla... "Ctrl" kemudian pilih di beberapa effect yang sahabat sukai.
  7. Main Text Effect, di main menu ini sahabat bisa menambahkan, edit text yang akan tampil di banner sahabat, dengan sedikit kreatifitas sahabat bisa membuat banner yang tampilannya sangat profesional dan murni karya sahabat sendiri (ngga seperti saya yang bisanya cuman CoPas, hehe..).
  8. Naah, udah detik-detik terahir pembuatan file flash dan gif niih, pada Main Web Links sahabat bisa ambil opsi yang ke dua yaitu Web Link on Click dan isi dengan alamat web atau blog sahabat.
  9. Ini tahap yang terahir nih.. Main Publish, pada bagian ini sahabat tinggal click di Tab Publish dan akan ada tiga pilihan untuk di simpan dalam file apa... Sahabat tinggal pilih salah satunya, mau di simpan di Flash Movie, GIF image atau AVI video.. Click OK dan jadi deh...
Sekarang sahabat udah punya file banner yang cantik nan menawan (duh kayak abang none ajjah).. Tinggal Upload tuh file terus di taro di blog atau web sahabat...
Sekian dulu yah, maaf kalau tutorialnya basi, niat saya cuman berbagi dan semoga bermanfaat...
Jangan lupa juga berikan komentar sahabat!

Tukeran Link Yu....

Untuk para sahabat semua kita tukeran link yu...
Karena dengan bertukar link atau link excange (tau salah pa ga tu tulisan, maklum katro), katanya bisa menaikkan rank blog para sahabat, dan saya yakin sahabat lebih tau dari saya tentang hal tukeran link ini...

Untuk semua sahabat yang mau tuker link dengan saya di persilahkan...
Sebelum dan sesudahnya saya ucapkan terima kasih untuk ketersediaan sahabat.......

Taro kode ini di blog sahabat (Copas Ajjah)

<embed pluginspage="" quality="high" width="150" src="" height="50" title="Copas Blog Amatir" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/>

Setelah itu, sahabat tinggal masukkin ajjah sendiri link sahabat yang ada di paling bawah blog ini... Jika kurang mengerti, silahkan tanya...

How To Grow Your Business Online

In the current economic climate, the Internet represents one of the strongest and most cost effective marketing channels available. An online marketing campaign has the ability to transform a business even in times of recession, if it is implemented correctly. Whether you have a limited budget of $1,000 per month or a substantial budget in excess of $20,000 a month, the Internet has opportunities for you to gain maximum return on investment to take your company to the next level.

Here is a proven process of growing your business online that we have used time and time again to grow businesses online in a variety of different industries.

High-Performance Website Design

All online marketing begins with a website. Your website provides the foundation for your online marketing campaign, because everything you do to advertise and market your business online will drive people to your website. It doesn’t matter whether you use search engine optimisation, pay per click advertising, affiliate marketing, email marketing or banner advertising, everything leads to your website, regardless of what industry you operate within.

This means your website is the most important element of your online marketing campaign, because as your prospects visit your site, you need to convert those visitors into sales. The better your website is at converting visitors into sales, the more you can afford to spend on advertising, bringing more traffic and more sales - and the faster your business will grow.

Therefore the very key to making money online is ensuring you have a website that is set up and designed to convert traffic into sales. For more information on how to do this, download our free website conversion report.

Search Engine Marketing

The name of the game is to send qualified prospects to your website. A “qualified prospect” is simply somebody who is interested in what you sell, rather than a random online visitor. This is simple to do with search engine marketing, because you specify the keywords that your website will appear for in the search engine results.

For example, if you are a law firm, you would want your website to appear if anyone typed in the word “law firm” or “lawyer” – because people who typed in those keyword phrases would most probably be interested in what you sell. However, if somebody searched for “accountant” you don’t want your site to appear, as that traffic is unlikely to be anyone interested in legal services. Search engine marketing can be very profitable if used correctly and is one of the highest response advertising channels available.

Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC)

The fastest way to have your website appear when somebody is searching online for what you sell is through PPC advertising. PPC is simply the process of paying a certain amount each time a user clicks on an ad that appears for a particular keyword search.

For example, it doesn’t cost anything for your ad to appear in a Google search for “lawyer”, but it does cost you every time somebody clicks on that ad… which mean you only pay for results. PPC is increasingly becoming more expensive, but it still provides one of the best returns on investment of nearly any advertising channel.

Before you launch your PPC campaign it is critical that you install conversion tracking because this will allow you to drill down on:

  • Which keywords are producing conversions
  • Which ads are producing conversions

You can also determine which are the most valuable words – because even though they may drive a lot of sales, the cost per action (CPA) for a lead or a sale may be higher then your affordable margin because of fierce competition. These keywords are ideal for SEO.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

After running PPC (with conversion tracking) for about a month, you will have solid information on which keywords are producing sales and revenue for your business, and which are the most valuable keywords you should focus your SEO efforts on.

With this data, you can begin to formulate an SEO strategy. This means targeting keywords that you want to rank your website for at the top of the Google. Of course, SEO research should ideally be done before the web design stage so that your website is properly optimised, but can be started even later by using data from a PPC campaign.

Once you’ve achieved a top ranking for your most valuable phrases, you can then reduce your PPC spend if budget is an issue. Your strategy really depends on your goals. If your goal is to capture maximum sales in the market, then running a PPC campaign and SEO campaign at the same time is the best way to achieve this. One does not cannabilise the other.

For example if your SEO and PPC campaigns generated 50 leads per month each and you stopped the PPC campaign, you would still receive 50 leads a month from the SEO campaign – this wouldn’t increase or be reduced – but you wouldn’t receive the leads from the PPC campaign. Your strategy will depend on your goals and how many leads you can handle… our recommendation is never to stop a campaign that is earning you a net profit.


The next step is split testing. Split testing is the process of using software to determine which of two versions of a web page will produce the highest response. For example, you might have a particular page on your website that is producing results, but you aren’t sure which of two product pictures would perform better. With split testing you can test one picture against another on the same page. Half the site visitors will see the first picture and the other half the second picture, and through conversion tracking you can identify which of the two pictures produced the best results. Once the split-test is finished, you should then test something else.

Split testing should be done on an ongoing basis with every part of your strategy, including your website and online marketing activities, and it is one of the only ways to continually improve your results over time. Remember, conversions bring in revenue, and the more conversions that you can achieve from the same advertising budget, the more powerful your company will be in your online market. Think about it… if you can spend more than all your competitors and still be more profitable, how will they ever compete?


Establishing yourself as an authority is a critical element in any online marketing campaign, and one of the biggest hurdles or challenges in achieving this is proving your credibility. The best way of doing this is with information and content, and one of the best platforms for sharing this information and content is through a blog.

Try to maintain a regularly updated blog where you post an article once a week or fortnight, and ensure this is done consistently. Information here should be 100% informational – no sales messages. The blog needs to come across as helping the reader with no thought of selling them anything.

By doing this, you are educating the reader about solutions to their problems and you are setting up your company as the authority in your field. Of course, every time you post an article to the blog you publicise this by sending an email to your database letting them know the article is there, making the email curious enough that they want to click the link and find out what it’s all about.

Email Marketing

Email marketing allows you to build a relationship with your prospects over time so they feel comfortable enough to do business with you.

As part of your original web design, you should have set up a way to capture visitor information from people who visit your website but don’t buy from your right away. By now, after implementing all of the above online marketing activities, you should have quite a sizable email database. With this database, you can start a hybrid email marketing campaign, split between automated and manual emails.

Automated emails are emails sent at a regular sequence, which you set, and are managed through an autoresponder service such as such The aim is to provide valuable information to your visitors and educate them so that you position your company as the market educator. The general rule is to send a ratio of three informational emails to one sales email.

The manual element of an email marketing campaign is to send your database an email update every time you post something new to your blog or whenever something interesting happens that they should know about straight away.

With email marketing you should aim to send at least one email per fortnight. Once a week of course is better but it depends on how good your information is, as too many sales emails will increase prospects that unsubscribe.

Remember, use email marketing to build a relationship with your prospects – don’t go for the hard sell.

Landing Pages

When you speak of a “landing page”, it can be one of two things. The first is the page a user lands on when they do an SEO or a PPC search and they “land” on your site.

The second way to interpret a landing page is that it is a direct response web page with the sole purpose of getting the person to complete a specific action, such as submitting a form. There are no other links on that page, no menu - the only thing that somebody can do is submit the form or leave the site. Landing pages of this variety can be extremely powerful in conjunction with a PPC or banner campaign.

There is a great deal involved in creating good landing pages, but the key points are:

  • Strong headline
  • Good opening paragraph
  • Compelling offer
  • Testimonials
  • Strong call to action

Landing pages have been proven to improve conversion from 5% to 50%, depending a number of factors such as the copywriting, offer and sale amount. A landing page can be a successful addition to any online marketing campaign as it can substantially improve the conversion rate of your campaign and lower the CPA.

Of course, landing pages must be split tested – to create a landing page without split testing is one of the biggest mistakes you can make because you won’t have any idea about which combination of landing page elements will produce the optimum results. Ultimately, without split-testing, you will be leaving a lot of profit on the table.

Banner Advertising

Banner advertising is used to market to people who are not searching directly on search engines to find your services but may be interested in your offer if they knew about it. They may be reading news, using social networks, reading blogs or checking reviews for products. Banner advertising is very powerful for getting the message out about a product that may not yet be common knowledge and is even more powerful when implemented in conjunction with a PPC and SEO campaign.

Banner advertising can be very expensive and can cost you dearly if done incorrectly, but it can be an extremely profitable medium if done right, because the number of people browsing websites substantially outnumbers the number of people using a search engine. In fact, the majority of Internet users on a particular day are not on search engines, they are visiting websites.

An effective banner advertising campaign can get your message out there and produce a very good response, if used in conjunction with good direct marketing principles and a solid landing page of the second variety.

Rollout Plan

The key to taking your company to the next level online is to use the following rollout plan:

  1. Design a high-performance website
  2. Start sending traffic to your website right away using PPC advertising
  3. Expand that traffic and dominate the market with SEO
  4. Maintain a regularly updated blog
  5. Implement an email marketing campaign that educates your prospects, above all else
  6. Split test every part of your online marketing campaign
  7. Use landing pages to increase response from your paid advertising
  8. Implement a banner advertising campaign to expand your reach even further

Of course, with everything you do you must track conversions, work out your cost per action, and continually ensure that everything you are doing generates more in profit than it costs. As long as you remember these rules, you can dominate the online market.



The Rain - Boleh Saja Benci

Track # : 6
Title : Boleh Saja Benci

Artist : The Rain

Album : Music By Request SCTV

Album Artist : Various Artists

Year : 2009

Genre : General Pop Vocal

Publisher : Nagaswara

Lyrics / Lirik

The Rain - Boleh Saja Benci

aku tak tahu cara yang tepat
untuk katakan ini padamu
maafkan aku bila akhirnya
ku putuskan tuk meninggalkanmu

kau boleh saja benci
salahkan saja padaku
mungkin lebih baik bagimu
jika kau melupakan aku

tapi dengarlah ini
hati ini berjanji
apa pun yang terjadi nanti
kau akan selalu di hati

kau takkan tahu
aku pun terluka saat meninggalkanmu
aku pun merasakan itu

repeat reff

apa pun yang terjadi nanti
kau akan selalu di hati

Twitter… Does It Work For Small Business?

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ve probably heard or read about a new website called Twitter.

Although Twitter is a relatively new service, it has been receiving some great press and is starting to be used by many small businesses and large companies around the world – including some major media companies, marketing companies and computer companies…

In fact, ABC has its own Twitter feed, which they reference at the end of some of their shows.

So a few months ago I decided to see for myself what this Twitter thing was all about…

What is Twitter?

Twitter is a “microblog”. Think of it like a blog, only smaller… in fact you only have 140 characters (not words, characters) to communicate a message, so what you say has to be short, concise and of interest.

Twitter is simply a means to communicate with an audience of people who want to hear what you have to say.

How Does Twitter Work?

Using Twitter is very easy - you sign up for a Twitter account and then start posting the 140 character messages, known as ‘tweets’, immediately. Once you’ve posted a tweet, it goes into your Twitter feed. Anybody who is following your tweets will then see your update within their own Twitter account – similar to how a blog’s RSS feed communicates with RSS readers.

Of course, if your ‘followers’ are subscribed to hundreds of people, you may only have exposure on the main page of their account for just a few seconds, which is one of the reasons that people Twitter so much – so they can stay top of mind.

By default, Twitter feeds are set to public. This means that you can search for anybody who uses Twitter and see all of their past tweets.

Does Twitter Work For Small Business Marketing Purposes?

Facebook, in its early stages, received alot of positive press in the media about what it would mean for the future of marketing. Many companies were joining Facebook, and nearly everybody I knew personally had joined as well.

Facebook was, as we were led to believe, the next big thing…

And while it still has some time to perform, Facebook hasn’t yet become the marketing channel we were hoping it to be… in fact, it hasn’t even turned a profit yet!

Sure, you can run some paid advertising to Facebook users, but it hasn’t (at least in our experience) provided a channel for consistent and reliable sales and revenue.

Twitter, at this stage, is very similar…

It can work, and I’ve seen some examples of it working well, but not for the average small business owner who doesn’t yet have a large email database.

The Challenge With Twitter

One of the main challenges with Twitter, like any form of Social Marketing, is that it requires a very long-term perspective that cannot be implemented without some form of short-term revenue producing activities.

The companies that are achieving success with Twitter are those who are already well known. They already have a very large database of prospects and/or clients who know who they are, and may well have already purchased from them in the past. For them, Twitter is another method of communicating a message.

Twitter is not a replacement for email marketing, SEO, PPC or banner advertising. Instead, it should be used as another method to communicate with your database so they can learn more about you in order to feel more comfortable in spending money with you.

An example of a company using Twitter successfully is Dell, who uses Twitter to release very limited special offers to their database, ahead of email marketing and direct mail campaigns. They are one of the biggest success stories I have heard about to date, generating $1m in revenue using Twitter in 2008.

But if a multi-billion dollar company can only generate $1m in revenue (not profit) from Twitter, what hope does the small business owner have?

Is Twitter Worth Your Time?

I started experimenting with Twitter around four months ago to see how it can be used for small business marketing.

While it is fun to use and following other people is interesting, I haven’t seen the practical applications yet… I haven’t seen a proven strategy that can be used across various industries to earn a consistent and reliable profit.

If you are going to experiment with Twitter you need to remember that it is social marketing, not direct marketing. If you are to be successful online you first need to refine other elements your strategy first. If you haven’t yet implemented all of the steps outlined in How To Grow a Business Online then don’t spend a lot of time on Twitter… your time will be utilised far better by implementing those points first.

Of course once this is accomplished and you are maximising all of those areas, Twitter can be used as another method to reach your audience.

The major benefit of marketing with Twitter is the fact that you can do it from your mobile phone. And because you don’t need to be in front of your computer you can tweet when out shopping, when waiting in line, when you’re bored, anywhere…

This means you’re not encroaching on other elements of your marketing campaign, because using your phone to Twitter is not causing any opportunity costs in you not working on a higher value marketing activity. Of course, if you are spending the time on Twitter instead of email marketing or preparing blog content, then it’s probably not the best use of your time.

How To Get Started With Twitter

If you are ready to give Twitter a go and see what it’s all about, here’s a quick start guide for how to get the most out of Twitter.

  1. Create a free Twitter account – which takes just a couple of minutes.
  2. Search for people you know and who you want to follow and then hit the “follow” button underneath their thumbnails to follow their tweets.
  3. Start to tweet about yourself. Remember, you’ve got 140 characters to say something, so it needs to be short, concise, punchy and interesting.
  4. You’re not Dell (yet) so use Twitter to speak about yourself, your life and information of interest to your followers. The aim is to build a relationship with your customer so they feel more comfortable spending money with you. This could be tweeting about family, holidays, articles on news sites, articles on blogs and so on. It’s all about building relationships within 140 characters or less.
  5. Of course, if you release a new product or if you have a special discounted offer then you can tweet about it… but like any form of relationship building it, you want to have a higher ratio of information-rich content to sales messages.
  6. Take note of how other successful companies are using Twitter. Follow Dell, and some of the other larger companies, and see how they use it. Take note of what appeals to you and what you respond to and try to implement that yourself.
  7. Once you have some Twitter history, send out an email to your database giving them a reason to follow you on Twitter, such as offering limited time discounts for Twitter uses, or posting content unique to the Twitter
  8. And get advanced notice of new articles and ebooks by subscribing to my Twitter feed.

What To Avoid

There are some things that you should avoid, as these can hinder rather than help you and your followers.

  1. Avoid automated software programs that manage your followers and automatically respond to them. This may seem a good idea at the outset, but automation is hardly ever a good thing with social marketing, and Twitter is all about building relationships.
  2. Avoid following everybody who follows you. If you’re following 100,000 people, there’s no way you will be able to find the tweets of the people you actually know. So only follow the people you want to actually learn about and hear what they have to say.
  3. Try not to follow people you don’t know, except when you want to know them or do business with them. At the end of the day, you want to enjoy logging in and seeing what other people are doing.

When I first started using Twitter I was allured into using automated software programs, and was told to follow everybody that was following me. What ended up happening was that I stopped using Twitter altogether because everytime I logged in there was a list of tweets from people I didn’t know, and I couldn’t see any of the Tweets from the people I actually wanted to hear from.

Twitter provides another method of building a relationship with your clients. But its practical application for the average small business owner is yet to be confirmed and as such it should not be a major component of your marketing strategy.

Hopefully Twitter will release a better monetisation strategy for small businesses this year.

Please share your thoughts below.

by Alex Cleanthous


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